The plot sickens, I mean thickens

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  • Post last modified:November 17, 2011

Elliott came home from school and is running another fever. Not to be out done, Emmett is spiking a fever as well and Gavin has a sore throat.

Lizze, however, is feeling better. I have been trying to convince her to still for tonight and just take her mom.

Lizze is reluctant because everyone is crying or screaming because they are miserable.

In Gavin’s case he’s melting down because he isn’t going to grandma’s house tonight. He melted down for about 20 minutes before regaling his composer.

I’m going to be with Elliott at the doctors in just a bit. I reallybthink he has an ear infection. He experiencing a ton of anxiety at the thought of going to the doctors.

Dear Universe,

I give up. I will not try to take my wife out tonight for a much deserved date night. I don’t know what I was thinking but I apologize for angering you so. Perhaps next time you could just send a letter instead of bombarding us like you have.

Rest assured that your message has been received loud and clear.


Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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