Dammit all to hell

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:November 15, 2011

Pardon my french but that’s all I can think to say.  Actually,  it was more like the cleanest thing I could think of at the moment to say.

Lizze took Emmett to therapy this afternoon and then ran to the store.  The freakin’ van started shaking,  well the engine rather.  It stalled out several times but she managed to get it into a parking lot before it completely died. 

As she was pulling into the parking lot,  smoke began to come from underneath the hood. 

I hate the bloody van.  It has been nothing but trouble.  We have had it for just about a year and it has been in the shop about 12 times already.  Brand new transmission,  deep engine work has been down several times now,  new sub frame,  new fuel pump,  electrical work,  more vacuum leaks than I can count and every time it get fixed,  something else breaks.  Oh..yeah,  I forgot to mention the ABS braking system. 

The body is in great shape and it met our needs,  so that’s why we put the money into it over the past year,  I believe almost $5, 000 in total.  Aside from this new issue,  the driver side window doesn’t go down, the power sliding doors are broke and they actually won’t even unlock all the time. 

I have gone in with a pair of pliers, in order to try to unlock the doors and have had no luck.  Then to my frustration,  they will simply unlock all by themselves.  When they do unlock by themselves I get so frustrated because I couldn’t manually unlock them.  I’ll look at whoever is in the van at the time and say “I loosened it first”. 

I have to find humor in even the most frustrating of times or else I’ll completely lose my mind. 

My mom is going to pick up Lizze,  Emmett and eventually Gavin,  and bring them home.  My dad canceled his plans tonight so him and I can go look at it and see whether or not it needs towed. 

Either way,  it’s back to the shop once again…  Sigh

I’m very grateful that our families are willing to drop what they are doing and rescue us in our time of need.  Thanks everyone…

– Lost and Tired

Posted by WordPress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Amos Chaves

NO! I don’t care how great an author is, the classics need to be left alone. I’m sure she has enough talent to not have to ride this coattail.Tera gold

Onyx Panthyr

I swear, that thing is cursed. 🙁


sorry,it never seems to let up does it? just when you seem to of hit your limit something priceless {in a good way} will happen..promise!