Do you ever just wish it would stop?

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:October 8, 2011

Sometimes I just wish everything would come to a screeching hault. I get so tired of all the commotion, fighting, screaming and whining. I truly love my family but sometimes I just need a break.

Do any of you ever feel this way?

I think it’s only human to feel this way, however, that doesn’t take the guilt away.

Special needs parenting can be such a double edged sword at times. It can be extremely frustrating at times. Not only do you feel the frustration but also guilt for being frustrated with your child in the first place. I mean, afterall, it’s not their fault.

Sometimes it just feels like you can’t win for tying.

I’m having one of those days myself. The only person in the whole house that is feeling well is Gavin and the irony there is that he has almost no immune system of his own.

There is always something wrong with someone. Lizze is down almost everyday and Emmett seems to always be in a fever cycle.

Elliott is usually OK but is struggling with anxiety. Gavin is regressing and becoming more and more infantile.

Overwhelming doesn’t quite seem to cover it.

– Lost and Tired

Posted by WordPress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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(20 HOURS per week night shifts= 2 nights per week)

I know what you are going through! I am looking after 2 autistic children and my husband has autism as well and rhumatoid arthritis too. So I have to do a lot but also I have got a very good team behinde me. Both my children attend a special needs school and all the teachers are phenomenal with the support they give to us. Also my son has an excellent social worker who is interrested in the whole family and tries to help as much as she can. We get 3 hours respite per week. Also we get 2 hours home help(Someone helps with housework) 2 hours per week. Not that much but it all helps. Recently I almost had a breakdown as I tried to also work 20 nightwork and do everything myself. ‘Superwoman’ crashed hard. That is why I have asked what sort of support you get. Is there anyone profecional you can talk to and share problems? You MUST realise that you cannot do all yourself so you have to ask and push and ‘beg’ for help. Can you get home care for your wife? If only for someone to dress and bathe her and pehups take her to a day care centre for let’s say 2×4 hours per week where she could meets other people and just get out of the house!! It would do her and yourself so good. This is the kind of help I am talking about. Not big things but lots of little things to help you. – What about family? Are they helping or is it better not to involve them?? PLEASE take care and a hug comming your way.

Can’t the state provide you with help!!! It just appears to me that you could do with help!! Who do you think you could approach as otherwise you will collaps on day and then your whole family will be in trouble. I just recently had to learn the same lesson that I cannot be ‘Superwoman’ all the time and I need to ask more for help!!! Huge hug comming your way!!:o)


You are absolutely right. Our families help with the babysitting and occasionally take one of them overnight.

He have no respite though if that\’s what you are asking.

The big problem on our end is that with Lizze being sick, much of the responsibility falls on my shoulders but that\’s OK. It gets overwhelming caring for 4 people with special needs. Thank you for your support, I truly appreciate it.


I totally understand. I'll be praying for a time of peace for your family, and I really, really hope it comes.


Aw. Thank you very much. I\’d be happy if the kids felt better and Lizze wasn\’t in so much pain.