A daddy on the edge

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:September 18, 2011

Elliott had nightmares once again last night. This meant that he was up very late because he was afraid to go back to sleep. The equates once again to no sleep for the daddy.

Gavin is talking nonstop and continuing to tippy toe dance on what’s left of my last nerve. I don’t know how much more I can take.. I’m really trying to be patient and listen to everything he has to say but at this point it’s like nails on a chalkboard to me. I know he can’t help it anymore than I can help how I feel about it.

Emmett seems to be getting worse instead of better and we will likely be back to Akron Children’s Hospital today or tomorrow at the latest for an evaluation… His cough is not getting better and he has slowed down once again on his food and liquid intake. This could just be because he’s still in the middle of a flare up but I don’t think we want to take any chances.

Lizze is still not feeling well, plus she has the worst migraine she has had in a long time. I honestly don’t know how she keeps going on when she is in that much pain. She has been working on her disability application but it’s a really slow process. I would love to tell her to just go back to bed but I just don’t think I could handle everything on my own right now.

Crap, I think they found me. There’s no place to hide where they won’t track me down. I think they smell fear and that keeps giving away my position. I’ll need to figure something else out for next time 😉

– Lost and Tired

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Both my children take Melatonin. I would though recomend that you speak with a doctor/ pediatrician about it first. Over here in England you need a perscription for it, which I think is very good as it gives you a chance to discuss problems with a professional and to make sure you give the right dosage. I would recomend it too. Over here we also have Melatonin liquid which I put into a surringe and give it to my children. My children especially my daughter still has problems sleeping but it helps her to be asleep before 23:00 instead of 4 or 5 in the morning. They can fight it but it is a help.

Melatonin is AMAZING. I find it very interesting how different countries handle Melatonin. It's OTC here in the states but in Australia not only is it insanely expensive but difficult to obtain, at least from what I hear.

Thanks for sharing 🙂


I'm so sorry everything is just so hard. In regards to Elliott not sleeping; have you tried Melatonin? Our neurologist recommended it to us and said that Autistic children do not produce enough of it to keep them asleep or their brain is not getting the signal to sleep. When our son wakes up sometimes at 2, 3 or 4 in the morning and we need our sleep to be good parents, we crush up a 5mg tablet and place it in his sippy cup with juice and he falls right out. You can find it at Wal-Mart in the supplement section. Just a thought. It's not a permanent solution of course, but it may give you some relief. If Elliott is on any meds, you may want to discuss with your doctor. You know the drill. 🙂


Oh we are very good friends with Melatonin. We use the liquid version and it helps him go to sleep quickly. The problem, at least for my kids, is that after a while they start having frequent nightmares. I have heard from other parents that have had the same experience. Not sure if there is any science behind it but just my experience. What's weird is that Elliott has not been on Melatonin for almost 2 months so this shouldn't be occurring.

I suspect it has more to do with the recent school change and some underlying anxiety. Great advice. So many people never get to see how amazingly well Melatonin can help their child go to sleep. Thank you again…for everything. 🙂

Huggs and more huggs and a big kiss. Sorry to hear that he had nightmares again.

Thanks 🙂