Mentally preparing

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  • Post comments:4 Comments
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:September 7, 2011

Emmett’s surgery is scheduled for 2.5 hours from now.  I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t nervous.  I absolutely hate doing this even though it’s likely in his best interest. 

I say likely in his best interest because no one knows if this will even make a difference for sure.  I’ve spoken with a few parents that have already been through this with their child and the results were positive.  No one knows what causes PFAPA but this has been shown to reduce the flare ups and the are really no long term issues associated with removing tonsils and adenoids. 

Emmett actually slept in this morning for once and is in a really good mood.  I’m gonna ask him if he wants to do his shirt of the day picture. 

Please say a prayer that all will go smoothly today and without any foreseeable complications…..

Thanks so much

– Lost and Tired

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Kay

    Hang in there!
    My own son, who is also Autistic, was operated on when he was 2yrs, too. In all honesty, I think I was more traumatised by the experience than he was! x

    1. Lost_and_Tired

      Thank you very much

  2. Julia

    Thinking of you guys. Hoping everything goes smoothly and it's not too traumatic for any of you.

    1. Lost_and_Tired

      Thanks Julia

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