Android4Autism is donating it’s very first device

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  • Post last modified:August 24, 2011

Lost and Tired  and Android4Autism are very excited to announce the first recipient of an Android4Autism device. The McKay family will be receiving a Samsung Epic 4G fitted with a custom ROM built specifically to meet the needs of children. I had the pleasure of speaking with Jennifer McKay by phone yesterday afternoon to make arrangements and explain a bit about this particular device.

I’m so happy to be able to provide this device to the McKay family for their daughter, Kiersten. I look forward to delivering this device to them.

Here is a quote Jennifer McKay made to a previous post:

“My name is Jennifer and I received amazing news yesterday. My 6 year old daughter is going to receive this amazing item. Kiersten is non-verbal and it has been a pretty tough road. Not many people understand how frustating it can be to not know what your child needs when then can’t tell you. I am overflowing with joy to know that this product could change her life in such a positive way. This is amazing and I will keep updating to let everyone know of Kiersten’s progress. Thank you so so so much to Rob for giving us hope!!”


I would like to thank the following organizations for their support:

Intellijoy: the #1 creator of educational apps on the Android Market. Intellijoy has very generously donated full versions of ALL the educational Android apps.

Stuart Duncan: Autism Father. Stuart has graciously provided the hosting for both Android4Autism and Lost and Tired. He is a pillar in the Autism community and not only a good friend but a source of inspiration.

Bonsai:The Art of Growing Android: The Bonsai Android development team provided the kernel, root and recovery for the ROM used in this device. They will also be assisting in development on various other devices going forward. They are a great resource for  the Android community and a group I have been able to rely on time and time again.

PPCGeeks: For all their support and assistance spreading Autism Awareness and spreading the word and helping to drum up attention for my Android4Autism campaign.

XDA-Developers: For all the support the community as a whole has provided for my mission to spread Autism Awareness and provide these devices to families and children that need them.

Android Creative Syndicate: From Spontaneous Ingenuity Come Creative Brilliance. ACS as a whole has taken a stand and are actively helping to spread Autism Awareness. They have provided networking support as well as friendship. They are a great Android resource for the community.

Android Activist : Providing networking and also helping to raise Autism Awareness.

If I accidentally left anyone out please let me know.


If you would like to support Android4Autism please feel free to contact me

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

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