Lost and Tired is giving away 2 Google Music invites

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  • Post comments:7 Comments
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 19, 2011

Lost and Tired is giving away 2 Google Music invites. These are pretty hard to come by and only have 2 left. All you need to do is leave a comment on this post and I will use a special plugin to select 2 random people. The more comments you leave the better your chances of winning are.

Engadget did a write up explaining what Google Music is all about.

This contest will begin at the time of this post and end at 6pm on Sunday August 21st. The only requirement is a valid gmail address because you’ll need that to sign up for the free Google Music service.


Also please don’t forget to vote for me as Parenting Magazines Best Daddy Blogger for 2011. Simply click the pink button and vote. I would love to have your votes and it will help me reach more people and spread Autism Awareness.
May I Please have your vote?


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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Tiffany Pedroza

Google music sounds really great, I'd love an invite 🙂

Hary Moreno

Google music! Looks nice!

Hary Moreno

Wrote from my Epic 4g! The best phone!

Hary Moreno

Lost and Tired is a great blog! I like it!

Hary Moreno

I’m the first, the second and now… the third! Yoohooo!

Hary Moreno

I want one of those invitations!

Hary Moreno

Only 2? That make this Interesting! Thanks!