Emmett has a victory

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 5, 2011

I wanted to share a pretty major victory we had with Emmett the other day. It got drown out by Gavin’s crisis.

I don’t want anything to take away from what Emmett has accomplished. So I thought I would share this with all of you now. So here it goes. The other day Emmett comes running into our room and shouting “ta da”. When we look down we see he had put his own sock on all by himself.

I asked him if he could go put the other one on? He said “yes Daddy”. He ran downstairs and comes back with his shoe on. Then he went downstairs and came back up with the other sock and shoe on.

This is really awesome because a few days ago he wouldn’t even wear socks. I’d say that’s progress.

Great job Emmett, I’m so proud of you.


– Lost and Tired

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Steve Fleisher

TheBoy Sneakers From 7AM to12PM Monday To Friday At 12 Take Off His Sneakers UnTil 3Pm At 3Pm Put Them BAck on UnTil 7Pm And At 7Pm Take Them Off For The Night

Steve Fleisher

TheBoy Have To Not Wear Her Sneakers From 12Pm To 4Pm

Onyx Panthyr

I'm a little behind in my reading, but this put a much needed smile on my face tonight. 🙂

Awesome, Emmett!!

Julie Costanten

Yay Emmett!!! Waa HOO!!!


WooHoo!!! Hooray for Emmett! 🙂


Great job Emmett John! *clapping*


That's great, Emmett! B)

Lee Jamieson

That's awesome! I can only wish for that for our boy 🙂
My recent post Echolalia…


TA-DA! Great Job! That makes my day. 😀


*standing ovation!!!!*