I was wondering if any of your kids sleep with there eyes open. I’ll be honest with you, it creeps me out just a bit. Is this common with ASD kids? Maybe just Gavin?
– Lost and Tired
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My five year old aspie sleeps like this most of the time as well. I think it's so he can see when the sun comes up since he is always up with the sun. :o)
My eldest did. I used to calmly close his eyes while he slept…just for my sake. He grew out of it (sortof) My mother tells me I did to. I dont have an asd…but I often wondered if it was stress or trauma related as I had a prerty rough run as a kid. It is creepy but closing their eyes seems to 'train' them to be closed during sleep.
Yes, my boy with high functioning autism does sleep like that, usually only when he falls asleep in the car,though. I agree it iskind of creepy.
Thanks. Glad I\’m not the only one 🙂
Two ASD kids, both sleep like this LOL. My son scared the daylights out of me when he was about four and fell asleep in his car seat. I turned around and saw him staring glazed into space, screamed and stopped the car thinking he was dead. Now I am use to it.
You aren\’t alone.
One of my brothers has done this his whole life. He used to scare the living daylights out of our other brother: K would be woken by T's snoring, so he'd lean over the edge of his upper bunk bed and look down to tell T to stop snoring, but T's lying there with his eyes open … it made me laugh but freaked K out. Another time, T was in hospital having grommets aka tubes put in. While our Mum went to get a drink or something, one of the nurses checked on T, and about had a fit – he was sleeping with his eyes open, as usual. She thought he was dead and was about to call the crash team – but my mum wanders up and says, "Ooooh no, he's asleep, he's fine". (Neither brother is on the spectrum btw).
Thanks for sharing that, it gave me a good laugh. It\’s even creepier when they are in REM sleep and their eyes are moving back and forth. Thanks again. 🙂
My daughter sleeps like that. It is a little creepy. My brother used to sleep like that too. I used to make faces at him while he was asleep hahahaha
My recent post Post It Note Tuesday
It\’s just kinda off putting. You\’re not sure if they are sleeping or not. Thanks
No, but he laughs in his sleep, sometimes for hours on end. I've seen my nephew sleep like that but with him, it was a physical injury, so totally unrelated.
My recent post Dubuque Street
Funny that you mention that. Emmett has been doing that lately. I always want first film it but never catch it in time. It\’s so cute. 🙂
my 4 1/2 yr old daughter does that and she's not autistic and I am agreeing with your friends it's creepy…she isn't doing it all the time now, but she has since she was born, seems like when she's really tired or has a busy day she'll sleep like that now..thank goodness it's not all the time anymore…
Yes, my five year old little boy, who is autistic, sleeps the same way. I agree that it does look a little strange! I’m glad you asked this question because I’ve often wondered the same thing.
Thanks. Wow it\’s interesting how much we all have in common….
It's not just Gavin. We've seen our son do it too, and yes, it is creepy! LOL
Thank you. At least it\’s not just me.