So….what happened to Gavin?

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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 14, 2011

Dr. H saw Gavin this morning. As Gavin is “symptom free” it’s tough to know for sure. He’s running a ton of tests to make sure everything is ok.

He suspects that if it’s anything that maybe it’s his gallbladder. So Gavin has an ultrasound on Thursday morning to check everything out. Gavin has been just fine all day now so who knows what’s going on.

Lizze is really struggling right now so I didn’t get a chance to update the blog yet.

– Lost and Tired

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I have been reading your blog for some time now, and I got to say most times, I am impressed with how you handle things..
There are other times, when I kind of shake my head and ask my self, does this family ever have really good times together?? If so, maybe post a few more of those?
I know your blog is about struggling with every day issues raising three kids on the spectrum, and other medical issues, but wow, some days it is really depressing reading your blog.
I am not putting you down or anything, I promise, I may not have 3 kids, but I do have 3 adults I look after all on my own, with no help, and they are all medically, physically, and mentally disabled in some way, and 2 are on the spectrum, so I do know about schedules, melt downs, and other such wonderful things only these special people can put us through 🙂
But some days, especially the days when it is a challenge to get up and deal one more time with the problems, you just got to dig deep down inside your self, and find the one reason you are doing all this, to make life as easy as possible for these kids and adults we look after…Yes I know it is difficult some days, but we need to keep keeping on, so these wonderful kids and people in our care can have the best possible life possible..
Hope things look up for you and your family Rob, good luck…Things will get better, just hold onto that thought…