Complications in life…

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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 5, 2011

Today is going to be insanely busy. After Lizze took Elliott to school she had to take her meds. Unfortunately, that means she’ll sleep through the rest of the day.

Gavin is on Spring break this week so I’ll be bringing him along with me ALL day long. I have to have Emmett at therapy by 11am. Then we come for 30mins before driving him all the way to school. Then Gavin and I have to go grocery shopping and finish up in time to pick up Elliott from school. Then we have to ALL go to pick up Emmett ad come home for about an hour. Then I will pack up all the kids and go to Elliott’s teacher conference. The go home and feed them dinner (super fast) only to pack them ALL back up and go to Elliott’s therapy. Then it’s home to get them all bathed. After that it’s meds and bedtime. Then it’s laundry time.
At some point I HAVE to find time to work. We have a LOT of expenses coming up and not working means no money. I have to figure something out. I can’t keep this up.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

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