Gavin’s Struggles

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  • Post last modified:February 27, 2011

Gavin has been doing pretty well especially for the past month or so. He was finally able to be put back on the anti-psychotics after his LP at the Cleveland Clinic. However, the past few days Gavin has begun to struggle again. We are seeing multiple meltdowns per day again. He has also become very disorganized both mentally and physically. He no longer keeps his room clean and organized like he has obsessively been doing for the past few months. He also can’t seem to remember things. Gavin’s back to hitting himself in the head as well.

Today when I told him he had a fever he melted down….like he had done something wrong. He has started lieing to us but he can’t keep things straight in his head so he VERY easily gets caught, which leads to a meltdown. Looks like we will be back to Dr. R this coming week. Sigh….this is going to be a really long week……

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Long week comming up for us too. Find out for sure if we can get Marc back at Summit. School has opening but bus wont take him because it is 3-4 minutes over the limit. By law they don't have to transport him. If I drive hime it will be 2 hours a day on the road for me. Marc has not been in school almost 2 months now. I don't know what we are going to do. He can't do the home schooling he cant stay focused! The meds I dont think are working. Dr R's Wednesday for us. Good luck this week to all of you.