Welcome to another edition of Autism in “Real Life”. Today we will be looking at Autism through the eyes of the Jen Bush.
Jen is an fellow blogger and you can have the pleasure of reading Anybody Want A Peanut? right now… well read her story first..then go read her blog. You can also find her on twitter (wantapeanut).
Here is the button to her blog:
What does Autism look like through Jen’s eyes?
(Lost and Tired): How long has Autism touched your life?
(Jen): My son, who is now 3 1/2, was diagnosed at age 2 with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
(Lost and Tired):Â What type of impact does Autism have on your family’s life?
(Jen): Right now, autism affects everything. My son cannot speak, so we spend a lot of time trying to figure out his wants and needs. He often does not sleep well, so sometimes we’ll go weeks without a full night’s sleep. When we think about our future, everything revolves around Moe’s needs, but we have no idea what those are going to be. Everything, from finding a babysitter or going out to dinner, to thinking about our wills, has become just a little harder.
(Lost and Tired):Â What types of sacrifices have you had to make?

(Jen): In some ways, not too many. We’ve been fortunate that most of my son’s therapies were covered financially, first by the Regional Center, and now by the school district. There have been small sacrifices here and there – I’d like to be able to travel more, even just small trips, and I’ve had to give up some social activities, but so far, we’ve been doing okay.
(Lost and Tired):Â What kind of “toll” or long term effects, if any has Autism had on your family (financial,emotional, physical, sect)?
(Jen): We’re only a little over a year into this, so it is hard to say. Right now, the lack of sleep is probably taking the biggest toll physically. Because my son is still in diapers, doesn’t dress himself, and is generally developmentally delayed, I am still lifting him a lot, and he’s getting heavy! I also worry a lot about my son, his future, how his autism will affect our daughter and my marriage, whether we are doing enough for my son. The stress definitely affects my well-being. But I’m also learning to be a more patient, flexible person. I’ve learned sign language and started a blog. There have been some good effects as well as bad!
(Lost and Tired):Â If you could make people understand 1 thing about Autism, what would that be and why?
(Jen): That autism is not one thing. People with autism might have some things in common, but they are also very different. My son is smart, unique, and wonderful, and worth getting to know.
I want to thank you Jen for sharing your story. My wife and I can personally relate to your life with Moe. We have Emmet and are in very much the same boat. Thank you for having the courage to show the world what Autism look like through your eyes….
I also want to encourage everyone to share there stories as well. If you would like to do that here on the “lost and Tired” blog please send an email to: rob@lostandtired.com and I will arrange for that to happen.
Please join our Facebook group:  “Reality Autism” . This is a gathering of parents who “get it”. We support each other without judgment. It’s a great place to go and vent and or share your story. Connect with others in a similar situation. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Awesome, Jennie!!!
Thanks Jillsmo! I <3 you too 🙂
Yay!! I <3 Jen!! 🙂