Over the past few weeks Gavin has been spiraling out of control. We are gearing up for another Gavin crisis I fear. We are having more and more meltdowns. He is starting to more seriously self injure himself. He is leaving bruises on his face and forehead. He is punching himself in the face and head as well as smashing his head into his knees.
Tonight he was caught sneaking into Elliotts room to watch movies while Elliott is sleeping and he was suposed to be. When questioned he lost it. The videos below are what transpired. This was taken with my phone they are dark and grainy but you can see the level of self injury and rage he is showing. He doesn’t know he is being recorded so he is not playing to the camera. This is real life for us and we are seeing this at least every day now.
We finally heard from the movement disorder clinic and they don’t treat kids so we are back to square one and probably going to have to go out of state for this now. Until we find the help we need Gavin is basically going untreated for everything as no one with adjust his medications or start new ones or take him off anything until we figure out what is going on. In the video Gavin is beng asked to sit like a pretzel. He is capable of doing this and the movement issues are a seperate issue. He is upset because he got caught and because he is being forced to not kick and scream.
Part 1
It’s important to keep in mind that Gavin’s behaviors have begun escalating. These videos are just a snap shot into our world battling Gavin’s demon’s. I don’t know how else to really put it. In the video Gavin is more focused on not having his night light then he is on what he did wrong. He is also complaining about sitting on his hands. He was not hurt in anyway by sitting on his hands. We needed him to stop hitting himself and so we made him sit on his hands. His hands hurt because of how hard he had been hitting himself. The bulb is burnt out and we need to get a new one. His room is pretty well lit by the street light outside his window. His bedroom door was closed after he snuck out because we couldn’t trust him to stay in bed (that is a natural consequence).. For sneaking into his brother’s room at night he will be having oatmeal for breakfast. In the past 6 months we have only had to resort to oatmeal 3 times including tonight. All 3 times have been in the past few days. We are heading down a road and we cannot steer the car in the direction we need to because we cannot find the god damn movement disorder clinic that works with children. We need to do something and fast or we will have no choice but to send Gavin back to Akron Children’s or Cleveland for his own safety. We cannot allow him to hurt himself and he is very clearly coming unglued.  Please keep him in your prayers.
Part 2
Watching this brings me to tears. As always your soft and calming voice is AMAZING. You actually had me feeling reassured. Clearly you are his rock and his strength and hope you believe how powerful your love is.
Thank you very much. Hope everything is going well.
Hunny I am sending my thoughts and prayers your way. i have a four year old son with autism and have had those melt down days but no where near the experince you are going through. I feel for you and pray everything turns out best for you all. i am going to continue to follow your blog and your precious family.
Thank you very much for you thoughts and prayers