…I know that we are starting to feel the pressure and weight of the life we have chosen. I know we are both short on patiences and it’s understandable.
Very few people understand the stress and pressure we are constantly under. No one knows better then you and I the lengths we go for the family we have created together. Things are never going to be easy but they will be rewarding.
We might not get a break from this journey or time to ourselves but together we will pull everyone through.
I know you have been through alot in your short 30 years. You always compare your weaknesses to others strengths and that is a battle no one can win. You are the most amazing mother, even when tired and in pain with no patienced. There is not a person on this planet that I would rather be on this journey with and no one that believes in you more then I do. Maybe some day you will see yourself the way I see you.
I found this on youtube and it makes me think of you. I love you and we will pull through this, even if it doesn’t always seem like we will.
Man……..you guys are our twins.Nobody will ever know the stress and pain will they?? God bless Guys.
It's very comforting to have you guys because we actually understand you and you actually understand us. Very rare in lives like ours. Thanks again