Would you be willing to literally gut your house in order to make it safer for you Artistic child? That’s what we are having to do. Emmett John is so extremely active with such major sensory issues that I really believe getting rid of most things (like furniture ect ) is the only way to keep him from hurting himself. There is no way to keep him from doing what he does to physically ground himself. If it ‘s there he WILL climb and jump off of it.
How far have you gone for your Artistic child? I would love to hear your story……
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Nothing but respect my friend, Nothing but respect.
We sold our house, at a loss! We fought with the school board for years trying to get our son as much help as we could before he started but it proved to be impossible, so quite literally, in June, we started packing, July we renovated, August we moved and in September, we sold our house, at a loss… to get us moved to the middle of no where so that we could get our son the best schooling we could find.
The school has a whole section devoted to autistic children, 1 teacher, 3 teacher's aids and only 8 kids in the class.
We're STILL paying for our loss on the house, and now we live in a crappy apartment but the progress he's made at this school makes it all worth it.