Gavin Crisis: Akron Childrens Hospital 9pm

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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 10, 2010

Lizze just got home from Akron. Apparently her and I need to go to parenting therapy in the afternoon as part of their program. Not to sure about that as this isn’t a parenting issue.

Lizze will be doing a full update so watch for it at

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I concur with the previous posters. It is normally standard opperating procedures to ask parents to do this. Plus, they may start to do some new techniques with him and want you to be up to speed when he comes home. Who knows?


It may help validate what you are doing and give you a chance connect with other parents in similar circumstances. Obviously you are in a very stressful situation and a chance to talk to about and to get new ideas may prove to be very useful and even comforting.

Stuart Duncan

I'm sure it's more so them just covering the bases and even watching out for you two, who must be very overwhelmed and stressed.