I spoke a while back about Gavin eating tooth paste. We adjusted where it was kept and watched him closer. Well apparently he is now eating the tooth paste that is crusted over in the sink. He is also cleaning out the drain and eating that also. We try to keep the sink clean but don’t always stay on top of it.
The other problem is that he will to this when he asks to go to the bathroom. He apparently doesn’t always need to go. He’s looking for tooth paste. We are going to have to supervise is use of the bathroom period.
I just never ends……..
We have a similar problem is reverse, our son is obsessed with Mints but hates having his teeth brushed – maybe you could use mints as a diversion !! I think its a sensory thing – my 3yr old can tackle a pretty hot mint.
But these symptoms, especially problems with social relationships, are more severe for people with autism. Drain Cleaning