As the day goes by Gavin’s demeanor is more and more concerning. He’s actually doing pretty well, save for the occasional meltdown. The problem is he seems to be almost asleep on his feet. This is really weird because he is dropping down on some of the meds right now. He wasn’t sleepy on the higher doses. He is like a walking zombie. I know I keep saying that but that’s the only way I can think to describe it.
Not only is he out of it but he is physically carrying himself odd. He seems more stiff or contorted then usual. He isn’t always making much sense when he is talking. He is also being very dramatic about any type of physical contact. That leads me to believe he is also on sensory overload. The only way we really have to help him with that also seems like a punishment. We have to send him to his room where everything is quiet. He can read or play quietly until he feels more relaxed. That’s all we have to really offer him right now. Unfortunately, the other kids, especially Emmett John don’t pick up or understand Gavin’s limitations. They just want to play with him.
We have a call into Dr. R and we should hear back early this week. Not sure if this new meds regime is going to work.